Telemetry to Tactics: Tetragon Through the Lens of the MITRE ATT&CK Framework
This blog post explores how to use the MITRE ATT&CK framework to transform the deep telemetry from Tetragon into clear, actionable insights about adversary behavior
This blog post explores how to use the MITRE ATT&CK framework to transform the deep telemetry from Tetragon into clear, actionable insights about adversary behavior
A getting started guide for first time contributors, with some advice also useful to more experienced contributors
Find all the Cilium talks at KubeCon NA 2024
Learn how pwru provides end-to-end insight to find the networking culprit even when you don't know it exists
The full lineup with end-users from Sky, New York Times, Bloomberg LP, Datadog, and Robinhood Markets
Go from theory to practice on the hottest new part of Kubernetes networking
Learn how to do HTTP routing, traffic splitting, TLS termination, and more
Palark switch from Flannel to Cilium and gained many benefits. Find out in the blog
Learn why Ascend chose Cilium as their CNI
A quick introduction to network policies
Container Journal coveres Cilium 1.13
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